Wednesday 2 September 2020

Mars Moto 1993

The Mars Moto was held not by Martians but by the Moto clubs forned for/by employees of the Mars company - best known for the chocolate bar of the same name. Also Galaxy and Milky Way....

My mate Tony was coming from UK and brought a pillion with him.

I was still living in Zastávka in the Czech Republic with Kettle as my main transport.

As Austria was considered too expensive they had the accommodation across the border in Sopron in Hungary. Ať this time Hungary hadn't joined the EU so there was a hard border - one where passports had to be shown. It was the same getting out of the Czech border at Mikulov.

As I didn't work for Mars I had to pretend I had done, not that anyone even asked, and share a room with Tony and his mate. I got the put-u-up bed.

Friday evening we had coaches into Austria for a BBQ. It was strange to share the BBQ site with lots of Austrian border police looking for illegals climbing the border fences.
On the way one of the guys on our bus sang The Marseillaise! Tears running down his face as he sang perfectly. We joined in even though we didn't know the words and weren't French.

Saturday we had a ride out around the yokel area to the north east of Sopron. Villagers came out to stare at us on a Kettle and GoldWing Aspencade.

We had lunch for a price that we couldn't believe. An Englishman could live like a king in those days!  No wonder the Moto was in Hungary rather than Austria.

Saturday evening was in the hotel. Entertainment and music provided.

Sunday was going home day. We set off together and Tony and I parted company near Vienna. 

I rode back up to the border at Mikulov and home to my flat in Zastávka u Brna.

In total I had done around 500kms for the round trip. Apart from petrol it hadn't cost me a penny! Czech petrol is much cheaper (at the time) than Austrian but OMV stations were beginning to spread northwards...


Sadly, there are no photos here as although I had a camera with me I have moved a few times since and have no idea where they are!!!  It was long before the Internet, smartphones or even digital photography was available to us normal people or even invented?

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