Friday, 8 January 2021

Front indicators!

Something that has been annoying me for some time, every time I look at a photo of the front end, is the odd way the indicators seem to have the rusty nut showing. 

Also, unless it is my eyes, they don't look to be facing forward properly.

So as I was spending money still, I thought I'd invest in a new pair for the front. I had a look at Suzuki parts and although they are available still from some sources, I have run out of kidneys to see to meet the prices demanded. 

In the end I reverted to eBay and looked for pattern parts.  There were quite a few to choose from.

In the end I chose Busters in South Wales.  I have used them for many different bike related stuff over the years. I bought two front indicators and had the despatch address set to Dr Phil.  They should arrive any day soon and he can fit them and bung the old ones in my box.

All that leaves to be done is fit the radiator when it arrives and then we need to work out, how  to get it back here.

With a total lockdown in England a journey to Telford for me and a trailer isn't on the cards as "essential". Nor will it be okay for him to put it in his van and bring it down to me.

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