Monday, 25 January 2021

Getting it back?

Getting it back from Phil's once it has been finished is the next logistics problem to look at.

Obviously once it is ready to leave the workshop, Phil will want it out of the way so that he can work on other jobs. And rightly so.

Talking with fellow "Old SOC" member Stuart and he told me that when his bike came back from a restoration not that long ago, it came back with a professional courier used to moving bikes.

I suggested this to Phil as we are currently in lockdown and not supposed to travel.

I looked at the costs. Last year Stuart paid about £125 for the job to be done.  That seems a steep but when you consider the costs I incurred taking it to Phil's in August it's about spot on.

I had the trailer hire @ £55.00 plus VAT.  The 450 plus mile round trip took us the best part of 12 hours and I that much fuel came out at about £70. On top of that it was all that time in the car and I had to have my brother to ride shotgun to load and unload the bike. Luckily her only cost a meal at the end of the day and a Starbucks on the way up!

So now we need to find someone that will do the job.  I left this to Phil as he has more contacts in that arena.

Let's see how this progresses.

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