A NOS tap that wasn't cheap!!!
At least it has the filters fitted for reserve and main tank.
The original was missing the filter on the main filler and the reserve filter was split.
At least that meant the shit from inside the tank bunged up the tap and nothing got out into the carbs.

It went straight on. Once I had made sure the seals were petrol tight I checked fuel was moving with the tap set to PRI. It was.
Then as there is only a little fuel in the tank I put it on RES and pressed the button.
It took a few stabs on the starter and then it fired up. Not all cylinders at once though.
Then all three chimed in. At last. Suzi Triplo lives!!!!
Once there is room on the drive I'll take off the Abus and roll it out and get out on a trip around the block....
I am already charging the video camera to catch the action....
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