Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Sad Announcement

My old friend John Storrie passed away on February 8th. 

He had  a short illness after being diagnosed with lung cancer.  His funeral was on Monday 2nd March in Milton under Wychwood.

I spoke to him frequently and once he discovered social media and email he was constantly in touch.

I organised a "JS Day" meeting in the summer and he was brought to the motor museum in Gaydon by Tony Taylor.

It was a surprise for him and he looked a little frail even then.  He urged me to get the Kettle up to him to get it fixed up and running.  It was all him that got me this far.

For the average mechanic many of the jobs are probably okay. But for the ham fisted with few decent tools (and nowhere to work) it needs an expert.

Sadly with John gone it might need a new Kettle King to arise.

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